Mar 15, 2014

Posted in Arrangement , Art , Business

WireTap : An Enterprise Integration Pattern with Message Store and Message Processor

I've always wondered why we needed Sampling Processor when you have Forwarding Processor. Because at first glance it feels like you can do everything that you do with Sampling Processor by using Forwarding Processor. But that is not true. I came-across an interesting integration that made use of Sampling Processor and Forwarding Processor in order to wiretap incoming messages. In fact there is a separate Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP) for this called Wirtap and this blog post explains a comprehensive implementation of it. In addition to that, as you go through the blog post you will also get to know the nuts and bolts you need to know about Message Store and Message Processor of WSO2 ESB

Requirement : Wiretap It

Basically, what we are trying to archive with this solution is to enable wiretapping for a given Proxy-service with minimal intrusive configurations and performance loss. In simple English, we need to listen to the incoming messages seamlessly. Proxy-service continues to do its intended job while we keep on listing (just like FBI does). Err.. why are we listening ? you ask, this could due to many reasons such as understanding the incoming request, validating it, etc.

Application of Message Store/Message Processor

Here comes the interesting part, the implementation of the above requirement. Let's start with a diagram that depicts the implementation. This will give the initial idea that would make it easier to get a grasp of what I am talking in the next paragraph.  

As you can see there are two Message Stores first one for the Sampling Processor and the second one for the Forwarding Processor. Here's what have done,

  1. Take a copy of the incoming message and store it in a message store. This is done with the clone mediator and the store mediator.
  2. Then takes the message using the sampling processor and do necessary modifications to the message such as adding authentication headers, base64 encoding, etc. Then stores it in the second message store. 
  3. Lastly, take the modified message out using the Forwarding Processor and send it reliably to the back-end. In this case it is a Apache CouchDB
Following is the Synapse configuration of the above design. 

The main sequence for the message mediation org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory tcp://localhost:61616 JMSMS 1.1 org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory tcp://localhost:61616 1.1 JMSMS1 10 storeForward 4 true 1000 10 true

You may wonder why go through such complex implementation. Imaging, you add all the wiretapping logic in the original proxy. It would obviously hinder its original task. The Proxy would get slow which in turn reduces the number of clients it can serve. Moreover, developers will get confused with the original Synapse logic with the new intrusive wiretapping Synapse logic. So that is why this is the better way. 

You can use this Synapse configuration in any given Proxy of yours to start wiretapping (Before that you will have to copy necessary jar files to lib directory). Finally, This also shows the capabilities of WSO2 ESB. An ESB that not only support conventional Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) but also novel EIPs such as this. For list of EIPs that WSO2 ESB covers, look at here

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